+92 3453603510


Lasbela, Balochistan

It was an awesome experience engaging with youth and motivating them for an educational venture. The youth we met in two of our first phase of training, were very energetic and confident which motivated us to do more with them for successfully accomplishing our goal of enrolling ”2400 Children” in school with the help of ”240 Active Citizens”.



Besides the overall beautiful experience, there were a lot of things as we expected earlier as a team to learn. Among the learnings we experienced thorough this ongoing journey would no doubt help us in our upcoming events that we are planned to do with potentially amazing group of Active Citizens.

Few of the learnings are specially worth mentioning: as we learnt that to inspire and motivate Active Citizens effectively, we have to qoute examples from their daily life routine during interaction rather counting the good work examples outside their experiences or someone else’s life. We also learnt to first allow them for giving their opinion without any hesitation or fear, and then appreciate their thinking and not rejecting them upfront. For encouraging them to speak and then to correct them where they did not pass, we learnt to create a scene to engage other Active Citizens among participants for responding to the thoughts their fellow has put forward. This led us to a peaceful dialogue and better understanding of our views.

The most interesting part of learning was asking Active Citizens about education, its benefits, challenges and hurdles in its promotion, to a youth coming from a diverse background. This was the most interesting dialogue and answered many of the concerns of Active Citizens by Active Citizens.

Along this beautiful journey, we as a team did not face any major challenge. There were though, few little gaps which we filled coordinating with each other without having problem. This was not only because of our energetic team but also the youth we worked with in the city and at field. The youth were so enthusiastic and dedicated that at one stage it came to our notice that they always wanted to do some good for their society, particularly in educational field.

The response we received in this regard was amazing. I want to specially mention an Active Citizens words who asked me on phone ”What if i can enroll more students besides the number i have been given?” I was inspired and replied: ”go ahead and take them to school!”.

Meeting, inspiring, motivating and guiding such youth is always interesting plus fruitful and it was to a great extent as we initiated our mission with the motto ”PARHEGA LASBELA, BARHEGA LASBELA!”

”We feel and we believe that we can do it and we will do it!” This was the overall response by Active Citizens to our initiative!


”The Story is submitted by Zohaib Nasar”

Project Coordinator TACS at WANG

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