+92 3453603510


Lasbela, Balochistan

Give a man access and he will do wonders, Last few weeks have been very engaging for us, our teams are continuously making things happen with the support of other like-minded young people. At the moment our team is on the mission with the aim to take every out of school kid into the school and help them to remain there so they can become more empowered and better citizens.


To tackle the issue of drops out of kids from school many initiatives have been taken, Mohalla Committee is one of them helping our volunteers and teachers to make sure kids remain in schools. Mohalla Committee comprises influential people from local community.


Along with enrolling kids into schools for an educated Lasbela, our team is busy helping school to raise their voice in highlighting issues and also encouraging parents to send their kids into schools.


Series of videos are being produced by our team and reaching thousands of people across social media including Facebook, Twitter platforms of WANG and also networks of WANG on Whatsapp Messaging service.


Considering videos as powerful tool our team has developed videos of maximum one minutes limit to reach the wider audience and our team in the field to bring more. As far now these short videos getting very positive response, some of the videos gone viral and among the discussion topic of people in the town and on social media channels.


One of The video can be watched here.

آئیے آپ کو لیے چلتے گورنمنٹ گرلز مڈل سکول رانا بھٹ وندر جہاں 350بچیاں زیر تعلیم ہیں مگر سکول میں صرف تین کمرے ہیں اور پینے کا پانی بھی میسر نہیں ۔بچیوں کا سوال ہے کہ اگر ہم نہیں پڑھینگی نہیں تو لسبیلہ کیسے بڑھے گا؟#TACS

Posted by WANG [ Struggling for a Fairer Society ] on Sunday, 29 November 2015





And many can be accessed through our facebook page.


Meanwhile, More Videos and Updates are coming up…..


“WANG in partnership with British Council Pakistan is on the mission of Taking Children to Schools under ”Take a Child to School Program” where WANG aims to take 2400 kids of lasbela into the school by the end of next year with the help of 240 young active citizens.

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