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Lasbela, Balochistan

WANG recently joined hands with like-minded organizations including Alif Ailaan, NRSP and ITA to form “Parhega Lasbela Barhega Lasbela Alliance to discuss education-related issues in Lasbela

Alliance has organized it’s first event with the title of Math and Science Mella in Lasbela. The event provided the opportunity to the students of selected girls schools to showcase their work through the exhibition of their project. In the second of the mella an open public discussion was arranged where the representative from the education sector, teachers and district administration talked about the situation of math and science education in Lasbela.\

According to Alif Ailaan

Pakistan faces a serious challenge in providing its children with a quality education. Poor learning outcomes are a major reason why children drop out before completing primary school.
The performance of Pakistani students in Maths and Science subjects is a cause of particular concern. Test scores reveal that students in Pakistan consistently score the least in these subjects.
Alif Ailaan’s Maths and Science campaign is about putting the issue of learning outcomes at the core of the education conversation, and, crucially, about giving Pakistan’s students the building blocks of a sound education.

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