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Lasbela, Balochistan

Welfare Association for Generation (WANG) with the support Gwadar Chapter of has organised a public dialogue with the community stakeholders

in Bela Rest House on 31st May, on the the theme of Peace with the theme of ”Peaceful Lasbela and Our Role” This event was part of ‪#‎PUANPeaceWeek‬ a national movement Engaging communities in Peace Conversations.


This Dialogue successfully brought different stakeholders from Lasbela Balochistan at One place under one roof to discuss challenges being faced by Lasbela to sustain it’s identity as peaceful district and also
opportunities where individuals can contribute to bring Peace in their local


Different speakers talked with youth and stressed on inter cultural harmony and put light on the importance of the dialogue for peace building among different groups of society.

at the end of the program question and answer session took place.

Event was covered by local media.


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