+92 3453603510


Lasbela, Balochistan

Community Youth Fellowship Program; is WANG’s new modal of continuous engagement of youth in the community. Under Community Youth Fellowship Program (CYFP) WANG aims to create continuous learning opportunities for the youth of Lasbela. A new generation of community leaders would be introduced to opportunities of exposure and capacity building.

First batch of 25 Community Youth Fellowship Program fellows completed their two days training at Bela. With the support of Girl Rising we are going to reach 25 communities with our mobile educational modal, these young fellows will go back to their communities to educate young children through the of power storytelling and films.

EXPLORE MORE; Millions of girls grow up with few role models, deprived of inspiration and feelings of possibility to become anything other than what is traditionally expected – a wife, a mother, a homemaker. The Explore More Program is designed to help change this narrative by using creative, multimedia tools to address prevalent stereotypes, disparities and norms. Through activities and discussions, each program participant will feel empowered to use their own voice to spark positive change in their own communities. As a result, both boys and girls will complete the program more aware of their possibilities and opportunities.

Girl Rising uses the power of storytelling to shift attitudes and change behaviors so that girls have the opportunity to thrive. Girl Rising’s robust media tools and curriculum are raising awareness and sparking action in the movement for gender equality and increasing a sense of empowerment for girls.

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