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Lasbela, Balochistan

The Pakistan Scottish Scholarship Scheme for School Children has been a catalyst for change for hundreds of young girls in Lasbela. Implemented by WANG since 2014 with the support of the British Council, the program has empowered these girls to pursue their education and use it as a tool for personal and community empowerment. The impact of this support can be seen through the testimonials of teachers, community leaders, and parents who have shared how this support has transformed the lives of these young girls and their families.

On January 14th, WANG, a non-profit youth-led organization, held an event to award 300 scholarships under the scheme. Despite the recent floods in Lasbela, which caused a delay in the event, it was a successful and impactful ceremony. Performances by children from different schools, testimonials from past scholarship recipients, and speeches emphasizing the importance of girls’ education in community development were showcased. The students, parents, and local speakers also expressed their gratitude to the Scottish government and British Council for creating this opportunity for girls in Lasbela, many of whom were from flood-affected communities.

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For WANG, the Pakistan-Scottish Scholarship Scheme for School Children is more than just a scholarship distribution program. It supports their mission to “Parhega Lasbela, Barhega Lasbela” where they have been engaging communities, advocating for policymakers, and inspiring girls to use education as a tool for societal transformation. In addition to the scholarship program, WANG also organized a public dialogue to discuss the challenges faced by girls in education in post-flood Lasbela and to provide recommendations for community members, parents, teachers, and policymakers.

WANG is dedicated to promoting education and empowerment in the community and is committed to addressing the challenges faced by the community, such as the recent floods. This year’s award distribution ceremony was held at Lasbela University, a fitting venue to showcase the success of the program and inspire future generations. In addition to the scholarship distribution ceremony, WANG also organized a visit for young girls from small villages around Lasbela to the University. The purpose of this visit was to inspire these girls to pursue higher education and to show them that, with hard work and determination, they too can achieve their dreams.

It is important to note that none of this success would have been possible without the support of the British Council team and their trust in WANG’s ability to inspire, engage, and empower the girls of Lasbela. The partnership between WANG and the British Council has been instrumental in making the Pakistan Scottish Scholarship Scheme for School Children a success. We are deeply grateful to the British Council for their invaluable partnership in this vital initiative.

Read the official report here:

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