+92 3453603510


Lasbela, Balochistan

Every year under the Take A Child to School program we bring our volunteers – We call them Ilmbasadors at one place to recognise their services in bringing out of school children to schools by lot of mobilisation and hardworking on daily bases. These community events also provide opportunity to our volunteers to get a direct interaction with policy makers and decision makers.

This year we had Mr. Sham Lal Lasi MPA of Balochistan provincial assembly. The honourable MPA had interactive dialogue with volunteers and community members to highlight the challenges in policy making and the implementation phase.

The the discussion panel includes educationist Ali Murtaza Shah from Lasbela University, Mr. Zahid Baloch director NCHD and hosted by TACS project coordinator Nawaz Ali.

After an interesting and interactive dialogue volunteers were awarded certificates for their contribution to the project.

Community Event to Celebrate Ilmbasadors .

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